IDEAL I Cod, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ – 1953 This large catch of school-sized Cod was caught aboard Captain Doug Macintosh's "IDEAL I". The boat concentrated on Fluke fishing during the summer months and fished for Cod during the winter. It should be noted that the "IDEAL I" was a 45-footer with a single engine and was still able to produce catches like this on a regular basis in New Jersey waters. Those were the days! Photo courtesy of Captain John Bogan Jr.
This large catch of school-sized Cod was caught aboard Captain Doug Macintosh's "IDEAL I". The boat concentrated on Fluke fishing during the summer months and fished for Cod during the winter. It should be noted that the "IDEAL I" was a 45-footer with a single engine and was still able to produce catches like this on a regular basis in New Jersey waters. Those were the days! Photo courtesy of Captain John Bogan Jr.