The "SETH LOW" was a 126-foot steam powered sidewheel tow boat (early tug boat) built in 1861 at Keyport, New Jersey. Shortly after the Civil War began, she was appropriated by the War Department and in 1862 she towed the Union Navy's ironclad warship "USS MONITOR" from Brooklyn, New York to the Chesapeake Bay. The "SETH LOW" was one of the many tow boats to take fishing parties to the "Fishing Banks" on a part-time basis and she eventually abandoned the towing business completely for the "Deep Sea Fishing" trade. In 1869, she was sailing from Manhattan to the "Cholera Banks" on a regular schedule under the direction of Fishing Pilot Samuel 'Sam' Greenwood. The Following is from a newspaper advertisement in July of 1878 "FISHING BANKS EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAYS - The Fastest Steamer "SETH LOW" with saloon, leaving Harrison St. North River 7 AM - East River Pier at 7:30 AM - 8th St. East River at 7:45 AM - Battery Wall next to Staten Island Ferry 8 AM - North River Pier at 8:10 AM - Gentlemen's Tickets 75 cents, Ladies 50 cents". The "SETH LOW" returned to the towing business in the 1880s and worked along the St. Johns River in Florida. She caught fire on November 2, 1888 and was a total loss.