Captain Bob Pennington recalled a recent conversation with Captain Jack who was always drawn to an early photo of the Bogan captains pointing to their boat's name on a sign. He mentioned to Captain Bob that he was the last living member of that group. Over the years, he would visit that photo every time someone in the photo passed. Now they are all gone and here is that photo as a salute to the last man standing... The Captains of the Bogan Fleet, Brielle, NJ circa 1948. In this magnificent photograph, each Captain is pointing to the vessel they operated. Standing from left to right are James Bogan Sr. (the "COLUMBIA"), Stanley Williams (the "ESCORT"), John Bogan Jr. (the "PARAMOUNT III"), Jack Bogan (the "AMERICAN"), Harry Fairbanks (the "PARAMOUNT II") and Lou Nyhammer (the "PARAMOUNT"). Kneeling in the front are Joe Burns (the "DIXIE") and John Bogan Sr. (night trips). The photo is courtesy of Captain Jack Bogan.