COMANCHE, Brooklyn, NY – 1933 Captain Lou Dodge's COMANCHE from Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, NY circa 1933. Built in 1914 at Bellmore, NY, she first sailed from the Brooklyn Piers for one season before relocating to Canarsie, Brooklyn. Captain Joe Moravoc purchased the "COMANCHE" in 1922 and relocated her to Sheepshead Bay. When he built the "COMANCHE II" in 1931, Captain Moravoc sold the "COMANCHE" to Captain Lou Dodge, who continued to sail her from Sheepshead Bay until the end of World War II. Afterwards, she became the commercial fishing boat "ELIZABETH III". The boat was dismantled in 1946. On a side note, Captain Lou Dodge‘s actual name was Louis Dethloff. The postcard is courtesy of Captain Tony 'Mo' Barbato.